This is a full disclosure about how and why affiliate links are used on the site and what that means for you, our readers. 🙂 is a transparent and honest space that operates with utmost integrity.

There will be times that recommendations for different products may be made. When that happens, it is a genuine recommendation and it means that I have used the product or had a recommendation from a trusted source, I believe in the product and I truly recommend it to others.

For these products I am openly sharing that there may be affiliate links, which will earn me a commission, if you decide to make a purchase.

If I review something on my site, it is an honest review and the opinions given in the review are my own and not influenced by the brand associated with the product.

Your purchase made from these links will never impact or increase your price, and sometimes it may even mean that you get a special price or some sort of incentive due to an agreement with the merchant.

The purpose of this space is to motivate and inspire you to grow and the products/services that I recommend are intended to help you along the way.

Should you have any questions about any of this, please feel free to contact me directly.

Kenya Rae