Does the thought of having to declutter your home make you overwhelmed?

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I know I can not be the only one that is struggling with mail stacked on the counters, closets filled with clothes that haven't been worn in ages and stuff, loads and loads of stuff.

Decluttering your home means getting rid of unnecessary items, but sometimes it’s difficult to know which items to let go.

I admit it is hard to stay on top of multiple people’s clutter in the home.  But a lot of it, I can not even blame on the other people in my home.  I can start with me and my own mess.

If you’re serious about getting rid of clutter in your home, like me, then take a look at this list. These six common household items are things you can easily get rid of your home today to make it less cluttered in the future.


6 Things To Get Rid of to Declutter Your Home

declutter paper

Paper Products

Take a look around. How many old magazines and newspapers do you have sitting around? Are you really going to reread that copy of Magnolia Journal from three months ago? Paper products are probably one of the biggest sources of clutter in most homes.

To start the decluttering process, toss all newspapers that are more than two days old and magazines that are more than two months old. Other paper items to toss include expired coupons, greeting cards, receipts, old calendars, junk mail, takeout menus, product manuals, and outdated files.

Clothing and Accessories

Doing a closet purge will help you declutter your bedrooms almost immediately.

Start by donating any old clothing that doesn’t fit or hasn’t been worn in the past six months, in addition to accessories you don’t need or use.

You can also toss mismatched socks, broken sunglasses and jewelry, shoes that are worn, and old towels and bedding.

Outdated Electronics

Everyone has a drawer or box filled with cords that don’t connect to anything and remote controls that don’t work.

Get rid of them!

Also consider throwing away or donating any old VHS or cassette tapes from your childhood and cell phones you don’t use anymore.  Or having those that you wish to keep converted to a file format that you can save digitally.

kitchen clutter

Unused Kitchen Items

The first things to go in your kitchen should be storage containers with mismatched lids and utensils or appliances you never use. Tossing old leftovers, condiment packets, and expired food and spices in your pantry will also help to declutter your kitchen.

Toys and Games

Toys and games can quickly become overwhelming if not decluttered on a regular basis. Some of the easiest items to get rid of are free toys from birthday party favor bags, school rewards, or fast food meals.

You should also throw away games or puzzles with missing pieces and broken toys and games. To really declutter the toy area, have your children go through each toy to determine whether they have outgrown it or no longer want to play with it.

makeup clutter

Old Makeup

Most makeup has a relatively short shelf-life.  Keeping a fresh rotation of makeup in your bathroom is a good idea. Mascara should be thrown away after three months and foundation and powders with an SPF should be tossed after six months.

Most other makeup should be thrown away after a year. To keep your makeup organized after decluttering, write the date of purchase on each piece.  That way you know when it’s time to toss it in the future.

Clutter can easily make you feel like the walls of your home are starting to close in on you.  But it doesn't have to.  Taking the time to declutter every so often, even if done in stages can help you keep on top of it.  This will make the task of removing and decluttering your home less cumbersome.

I hope this helps you to see things around your home more clearly.

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