Are you in need of a command center?

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I had been having all these cute and crafty organized command centers come up in my Pinterest feed.

While I didn't think I needed one or even had room for one, the universe must have been telling me differently.

After missing appointments, by way of forgetting to write them down, forgetting to put them on my calendar or putting them on my calendar and not setting a reminder/alert. I heard the universe loud and clear.

It said, “girl you need one of those command centers!”

Alright universe, Alright!!

Command Center Inspiration

So I headed to hobby lobby, for the first time to gather some inspiration. And as a random side note, I’d like to tell all y'all that you have all been holding out.  Cause there is no reason that I did not know about hobby lobby and all its greatness before now.  Except that y'all were keeping it to yourselves.

How selfish???

But I forgive you.

After circling through the store not once, not twice, but three times. I found some inspiration for my kitchen command center.

While they didn't have everything I wanted I did grab a few things and then I’ve been working on creating and personalizing some others.

The thing about a family command center is that just like no two families are the same. The command center of no two families will be the same either.

[clickToTweet tweet=”3 Things to Keep In Mind When Building a Command Center + some inspiration for yours!” quote=”3 Things to Keep In Mind When Building a Command Center.”]

There are a couple factors that come into play when building your family command space.

3 Things to Consider When Building Your Family Command Center


The biggest thing is you want your command center to serve its purpose and be functional.

For me, I get so sick of mail and clutter on my kitchen counter. It's like the family dumping ground.

The kids come in and leave their papers there, the mail gets sat there. Hubby and I are guilty of dropping things there as well.

So my command center will be an organized space for all of the different things that end up residing on my counters.

My command centers purpose is operation clean counters.

Carrie from Lovely, Etc. is like me.  She needed to take her kitchen counters back and came up with this beautiful, but simple solution to make that happen.

Lovely Etc Command Center



Now while you want it to have functionality, you also have to think of the space you will have.

Depending on the amount of space you have, you can be limited in what you can actually put in the space.


I have seen people put command centers in hallways, outside of bedrooms, dining rooms, kitchens and even laundry rooms.

The positioning goes hand-in-hand with functionality.

For instance, I can't put a one in the living room and expect that it will alleviate my cluttered counters.

So the flow of your home matters.

Chelsea from Making Manzinita needed order and visual display of what was happening.  So she chose to make a command center in a space that won’t be overlooked – The Fridge.  Running four business and managing responsibilities of home, all out of her home, she needed order.

This is proof that you can get creative in creating your command center and do what works for you!

Making Manzanita Command Center

I just love the creativity!

In my old home, I could have done an entryway command center that would have been AH-mazing! But not so much in my new home, as there is no real “entryway”.

When building your families command center be sure to keep these three things in mind. And do what works for your family and your home!

I hope this serves as inspiration for you to get going with your own command center.

While mine is not complete just yet, I do have some more inspiration for you, if you need it!

Pinterest Command Center Collage
Source Pinterest


Do you have a family command center?  If not, where could you use one?  Tell me about it in the comments below.


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